Manufacturers of virtual reality devices instilled in us the confidence that their development will not take long. Dozens of companies will bring VR glasses to the market in the coming months, assemblers of computers together with component manufacturers are preparing gaming platforms for their releases, all users who are skeptical and eager are waiting for games that can be immersed in like never before. Virtual reality games are amazing, rapidly improving experiences, and we have gathered the best of them for you.
- The Assembly
This is an adventure Virtual reality game, which begins in a secret laboratory, where unprincipled scientists put the most terrible experiences in the name of progress. You have to play for two very different characters: a woman Madeline (Madaline), who turned out to be on a mysterious object against her will, and a scientist named Cal (Cal), who, unlike her colleagues, is not satisfied with what is happening lawlessness. The game, like many others from our list, has been developed for VR from day one.
2. Arizona Sunshine
Zombie shooter in which you do not have to sit fillets in the chair. To be saved (and this is the only goal of the game), you will need to take full advantage of the HTC Vive room tracking and Oculus Touch controllers. The creators say they wanted us to feel like cool dudes. Hmm … Weapons and brainless slow enemies – even desperate, have something to fight for
Without a Board, the Virtual reality game is significantly less convincing, and we somehow doubt that many players have wooden plates (my Rock Band equipment takes up enough space). So the problem with Toast is to let people know about it before they buy the game.
Before you buy our product, we strongly recommend that you think about whether Walk The Plank Experience is right for you!”- concluded the developer. “Follow the reactions of your friends and family members – that’s where the value is, and if the bar does not scare them, the flight can impress them.