Business process management: modeling, introduction, management

Management can’tbe presented without business process management. Unlike design approach where each project is considered as the complete system, process approach regulates the work of the company as the set of the interconnected functions behind which constant control is necessary. You really need to know what is business process management to proceed

Each process has the entrance (a certain starting resource) and an exit (ready-made products and services). The axiom used in descriptions of business processes — delivery of the order to the client. On an entrance — information (the order of the client), at the exit — the goods delivered to the customer from a warehouse.
From the point of view of BPM it is pointed out a number of criteria to a maturity of the organization:
— activity regulation;
— support of life cycle of normative documents;
— the relevant system of business processes of the enterprise;
— use of indicators for the analysis and improvement of mechanisms;
— professional management of business processes of the organization in structural divisions;
— functioning of the special center of competence on organizational development;
— automation of thought processes.
External and internal business processes are allocated. The first has an entrance or an exit from the outside, the second gets under the competence of the organization from beginning to end.
Stages and types of modeling of business processes
Modeling of business processes is classified depending on tasks.
Functional — describes the sequence of performance of processes.
Imitating — the interaction of internal business processes under the influence of the external environment is also applied to the assessment of resources.
Object — considers the change of object during business process performance (an example: goods during shipment).
Modeling of business processes happens in five stages when at the enterprise the control system of efficiency takes root.
1. Identification: description of borders of processes: among them are identified acting (“as is”) and projected (“as has to be”).
2. Data collection: the choice of control points, measurement of indicators of business process, search and collection of information for the subsequent analysis.
3. Analysis of data: processing of collected information, the creation of business requirements.
4. Modification: optimization of business processes, the introduction of new requirements, improvement of documentation, reporting.
5. Introduction control: analysis of changes, comparison of planned and actual targets, the definition of the need for new changes.