The Next Era of Social Network Now

Social networks are inspired by the purely “community” model. They federate members around communities of interest. Social networks are intended to create interactions between its members. It is this exchange between users that creates the value of a social network.

 Brands have invested social networks, where users have not waited for them to rush. This forces companies to “play the game” of social marketing, they are so accustomed to launching unidirectional advertising messages on the mass media. But to remove the true value of social networks, they still need to know how to really connect with their audience and engage them. This article gives 10 tips to help them better engage their audience on social networks. Through my audience network you will be getting the best deal now.

Ask questions

This first tip is written in certainly more than 80% of the articles that speak of commitment. To engage the discussion in the real life, what better than to ask questions? This is the same thing on the net. You can ask the opinion of your followers; ask them to react to the subject of your publication. Do not abuse questions. Authors who systematically solicit its readers at the end of the article take the risk of making a flop and annoying. Solicit feedback from your audience when it really makes sense:

If the article is controversial for example, or that the added value of the information is greater, combined with a concrete “feedback” from the community.

Do polls using sharing buttons

Social media platforms have always been conducive to polls. This is a “good practice” since the first day of existence of social networks. Already before, webmasters added blocks “polls” on their site to involve & retrieve information from their visitors. On the social sphere, we see more and more polls more “wild” than those made with dedicated modules for this purpose. Indeed, community managers rather than asking the audience to express them on a subject simply ask him to “Liker” / Comment / Share to show his agreement. These are the famous posts “Put a + 1 / share this post if you agree, comment if you are not”.

Use photos and videos

We are entering a multi-screen era where we want to “consult without difficulty”. TV, Computers, tablets, mobiles. We do not read anymore: we “scan” and look at a multitude of information. In this context, photos and videos are becoming increasingly popular on social networks. The visual nature of the information is more suitable for mobile screens / tablets. The cognitive effort required by a photo is much less than a text and the visuals can improve from 100 to 180% the engagement rate of a post.

Mention others in your publications

The very meaning of a social community is to exchange with one another. Remember to mention the others in your publications. In addition to attracting their attention – since they will be notified directly – this anchors your brand in a specific community. “Tell me who you frequent, and I’ll tell you who you are” does not say the saying? It is also a way to show the consideration you have for the work of others, and your “good faith” when engaging with the community.

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